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The First Global Vehicle-to-Grid Interaction (V2G) Summit Forum and Industry Alliance Establishment Release Ceremony

On May 21, the first Global Vehicle-to-Grid Interaction (V2G) Summit Forum and Industry Alliance Establishment Release Ceremony (hereinafter referred to as: Forum) kicked off in Longhua District, Shenzhen. Domestic and foreign experts, scholars, industry associations, and representatives of leading enterprises gathered in Longhua to discuss in-depth topics such as digital energy, vehicle-network interaction, and new power infrastructure and other key technology integration development topics, and promote Longhua to create a pioneering demonstration zone for digital energy integration development. Zheng Hongbo, member of the Standing Committee of the Shenzhen Municipal Committee, Ouyang Minggao, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, professor of Tsinghua University, and member of the Standing Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, Wang Yi, member of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress and deputy director of the National Expert Committee on Climate Change, Lei Weihua, deputy secretary of the Shenzhen Longhua District Committee and district chief, Yu Jing, member of the party group and deputy director of the Shenzhen Development and Reform Commission, Xie Hong, deputy general manager of China Southern Power Grid Shenzhen Power Supply Bureau Co., Ltd., Xu Zhibin, member of the Standing Committee of the Shenzhen Longhua District Committee and executive deputy district chief, academician of the European Academy of Sciences, academician of the Royal Academy of Engineering, Macao Song Yonghua, the president of the university, Chen Yusen, a senior researcher and professor of the Dutch National Academy of Applied Sciences, and other leaders and experts participated in relevant activities.

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The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that it is necessary to further promote the energy revolution and form a green and low-carbon production and lifestyle. Shenzhen, as an innovation demonstration zone for the national sustainable development agenda and a demonstration city for the construction of ecological civilization, has always been unswervingly following the path of ecological priority and green development. In recent years, Longhua District has adhered to technology leadership, green and low carbon, seized new opportunities for digital development, and actively explored new paths for digital energy integration and innovation. A V2G charging station, launched the city’s first dual-carbon industry special service platform – Longhua District Dual-carbon Industry Operation Center, gathered 11 leading enterprises in the new energy industry in the country, and cultivated more than 90 enterprise echelons with over 100 million yuan to promote the new The development of the energy industry has entered the “fast lane”, adding new impetus to the high-quality development of Longhua.

Under the guidance of the Shenzhen Municipal Development and Reform Commission, this forum is hosted by the People’s Government of Longhua District, Shenzhen, and undertaken by the Development and Reform Bureau of Shenzhen Longhua District. It aims to fully implement the new energy security strategy of “four revolutions and one cooperation”, take the “dual carbon” goal as the driving force, deepen the energy revolution, create a mutually beneficial and coordinated car-network interactive industrial ecology, and build a clean, low-carbon, safe, efficient, and intelligent The innovative modern energy system promotes the high-quality economic and social development of Shenzhen.

“1+2″ focuses on “digital interconnection of energy, future of vehicle-network interaction”

With the theme of “Energy Digital Interconnection, Future of Vehicle-Network Interaction”, the forum includes a main forum and two parallel forums. The main forum will set up links such as speeches by leaders, keynote speeches, signing and release, and high-end dialogues. Among them, Lei Weihua, deputy secretary and head of the Longhua District Committee, Yu Jing, deputy director of the Shenzhen Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Xie Hong, deputy general manager of China Southern Power Grid Shenzhen Power Supply Bureau Co., Ltd., and Wang Yi, member of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, delivered speeches to open the ceremony Forum curtain. The keynote speech ushered in a feast of ideas from academic experts in the field of car-network interaction. Ouyang Minggao, based on the height of new energy vehicles to help the new energy revolution, deeply analyzed the advantages and challenges of China’s new energy, and pointed out that car-network interaction has become the focus of competition in global new energy technologies. In the future, the technology system and the entire industrial chain based on car-network interaction Research and development, and large-scale vehicle-network interaction are bound to give birth to a trillion-level automotive smart energy ecological industry. Song Yonghua introduced the basic situation of the interaction between electric vehicles and power grids at home and abroad, and introduced the business model and development trend of vehicle-network interaction from different perspectives such as charging service providers, EVSE manufacturers, energy companies, and smart travel platforms. Facing new transportation scenarios such as smart interconnection in the future, Chen Yusen proposed to systematically plan the vehicle-network interaction infrastructure, and pointed out that the safety and profitability of the vehicle-network interaction business model will be effectively improved through the development of customized models.

In the parallel forum part, the themes of the forum are: new electric power and key technologies of charging and swapping infrastructure, new energy vehicles and new power system integration development. Among them, the New Power and Charging and Swapping Infrastructure Key Technology Forum focuses on the key technologies of charging and swapping infrastructure construction and promotion, and conducts exchanges on construction conditions, technology trends, safety standards, etc., to help build a new power system. The new energy vehicle and new power system integration development forum focuses on promoting the integration of new energy vehicles into the new power system, and discusses business models, policy support, and financial empowerment.

“Signing + unveiling + launch” boosts cross-field and cross-region collaborative innovation

A series of signing and unveiling ceremony was held in the main forum.

Among them, the People’s Government of Longhua District signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Academician Ouyang Minggao’s team and the incubator Beijing Lianyu Technology Co., Ltd. to promote scientific research results to take root in Longhua; The landing will promote the integrated development of new energy vehicles and new power system production, learning, research and use. It is worth noting that the Greater Bay Area Vehicle-to-Grid Interaction (V2G) Industry Alliance, led by Shenzhen Longhua District People’s Government and Academician Ouyang Minggao, was officially unveiled at the forum. The alliance will further deepen the “government leadership, think tank support, industry Collaboration, enterprise collaboration” development model, in the future, will accelerate the innovation and development of car-network interaction in the Greater Bay Area through the collaboration of cross-field and cross-regional innovative resources, jointly build a global demonstration benchmark for car-network interaction, and write a high-quality development of the digital energy industry. Xinhua chapter.

It is understood that the first batch of members of the Greater Bay Area Vehicle-to-Grid Interaction (V2G) Industry Alliance includes Shenzhen Power Supply Bureau Co., Ltd., China Southern Power Grid Electric Vehicle Service Co., Ltd. and more than 20 enterprise units. The alliance aims to explore the construction of a car-network interactive digital energy ecosystem. The alliance companies will rely on their advantageous business areas to comprehensively strengthen mutual cooperation, help the efficient circulation of industry, technology, capital and other elements, and promote the Greater Bay Area, the country and even the global car-network interaction industry. develop.

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High-end dialogue focuses on new opportunities of V2G

In the high-end dialogue session of the main forum, experts and business representatives from the government, power grids, universities and institutes, and new energy fields were invited to conduct dialogues and exchanges on industrial policies, technical paths, and financial empowerment of vehicle-network interaction.

As an important part of building a digital energy industry, the car-network interaction industry is a key move to increase the gold and green content of economic development. The reporter learned from the forum that under the background of the new round of energy revolution driven by the “dual carbon” goal, realizing the scale of vehicle-network interaction has become an important result of promoting the two-way development of new energy power generation and new energy vehicles, and will drive related A new round of industrial upgrading provides strong support for the implementation of the new energy security strategy and the realization of the “double carbon” strategic goal.

Longhua speeds up the creation of a pioneering demonstration zone for digital energy integration and development

It is noteworthy that in order to seize major historical opportunities such as the construction of “dual districts”, the superposition of “dual districts” and the demonstration of “double reforms”, actively and steadily promote the carbon neutralization of carbon peaks, and deeply implement the development of “Digital Longhua, Urban Core” strategy, embrace the trillion-level digital energy market, and explore new energy security and green energy economic development paths with Longhua’s characteristics. It can promote the deep integration of digital technology and the development of the energy industry, take the lead in building a digital energy integration development demonstration zone in the country, and build a “1+2+2″ new energy industry with digital energy as the core and covering the fields of source, network, load, and storage. The cluster system actively explores new energy security guarantees with Longhua characteristics and new paths for green energy economic development.

Longhua District has taken the lead in issuing and implementing the “Longhua District Action Plan for Creating a Pioneering Demonstration Zone for Digital Energy Integration and Development (2022-2025)”. Looking forward to the future, Longhua will build a digital center based in the district, serving the whole city, facing the Greater Bay Area, and looking at the whole country. The energy trading market promotes the transformation of the energy industry to the high-end of the value chain and creates a new growth pole for the economic development of Longhua and even the whole city. At present, Longhua has established a relatively complete infrastructure for vehicle-network interaction, and has taken the lead in building and operating the first two-way interactive demonstration site for vehicle-network in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area for charging scenarios in residential areas and commercial destinations. The project has successfully participated in the Shenzhen virtual power plant The demand-side response regulation of the platform has achieved good regulation results.